-- Draft Version
This page shows a list of the Content items marked for the Frontpage on your site.
Toolbar Actions:
You may enter text in the "Filter" box to refine the list based on whether the text is found in the title of any Content item. Type in any text and press Enter.
You "select" Content items by clicking the checkbox at the start of each row.
Publish and Unpublish: Click the 'Publish' or 'Unpublish' icons to publish or unpublish the selected Content items on the Frontpage.
Archive: Click the 'Archive' icon to put the Content items into an archived state. They are still accessible to your Frontpage.
Remove: Click the 'Remove' icon to put Content items in the Trash. They are not completely removed but are not accessible in your Trash Manager to restore if necessary to your site.
Columns Descriptions:
Title: This is the title of the Content item.
Category: This is the category that the content item is in.
Published: This shows whether the Content item is published. Hover over this icon to see a summary of the publishing information.
Checked Out: This shows the name of a user if this Content item is checked out. You will not be able to edit a Content iitem if it is checked out by another user. It must be checked back by an administrator by going to Systems in the Menu bar-->Global Checkin. It can also be checked back in by the User who has checked the item out by clicking the 'Edit' icon of the Content item and then clicking the the 'Save' or 'Cancel' icon.
Access: This is the user access level.
Reorder: Type the numbers in the order that you want your Content Items to appear in your Frontend Website.
Order: This is the order of the item. The order number in the Front Page is different to your normal order within your Sections. That is because the ordering of Front Page Items is separate and does not check the Section or Category ordering you have defined in the Content Section or Content Category sections in the Backend .
Remove: Click the 'Remove' icon to put Content items in the Trash. They are not completely removed but are now accessible in your Trash Manager to restore to your site if necessary.