-- Draft version
This page shows a list of the Languages for the core text on the Frontend of your site.New: Click the "New" icon to upload/install a new language to your site. You will be then taken to the Install/Uninstall screen.
Edit: Click the name of the category to Edit the details, or select the radio button next to the name and click the "Edit" icon. Here is where you edit the Frontend language file.
Delete: To delete a language, select the radio button next to the name and click the "Delete" icon. You will be asked to confirm the delete operation. Select the "Yes" icon to delete the client or the "No" icon to cancel. The language file will be deleted from the server.
Help: Click the "Help" icon to view the Help Screen to get explanations of this screen.
Language: This column shows the name of the languages installed.
Published: This column shows the active language that is published.
Version: This column shows the version of the language file.
Date: This column shows the date of the language file.
Author: This column shows the author of the language file.
Author Email: This column shows author's email address, if available.