Menus: Edit Menu Item

-- Draft Version

This page shows a list of the Menu Items associated to the menu you have just chosen.

Toolbar Icons:
New : Create a new Menu Item

Edit : Edit an existing Menu Item.

Publish and Unpublish : Same function as ‘Published’ column icon. You may use these icons with multiple items checked.

Move : Opens a new ‘Move Menu Items’ window where you can choose to move the specific Menu Item(s) —and children if desired— to another existing Menu. You may check multiple items to be moved at once.

Copy : Opens a new ‘Copy Menu Items’ window where you can choose to copy the specific Menu Item(s) —and children if desired— to another existing Menu. You may check multiple items to be copied at once.

Trash : Sends the Menu Item to Trash. It may be recovered through Site->Trash Manager, Menu Items tab. You may check multiple items to be trashed at once.

Cancel : Cancels any change made in the ‘Order’ column if the ‘Save Order’ icon has not been clicked.

Columns Headings:
Menu Item : Name of the link as it appears on your site. If you click on this name, you may edit parameters related to this Item.

Published: This shows whether the Menu Item is published or unpublished. By clicking on the icon, you may switch its state.

Reorder : This shows the order of Menu Items in the menu. Click the arrow icons to move the item up or down in the list.

Order : Shows the order of Menu Items in the menu. You may change it by editing 2 # conjointly and clicking on the ‘Save Order’ icon next to the Column Heading ‘Order’.

NOTE: Order and Reorder show the relative positions of Parent and Children Menu Items. Moving a parent moves the children too. The order numbers are shown relatively to the Parent Item.

Access : This is the user access level for the menu item. Click on the Access level to switch it to another value.

Itemid: This shows the 'id' for this specific Menu Item in the database.

Type: The type of link used for this Menu Item. If it is a ‘Link – Content Item’ or a ‘Link – Static Content’, you may directly edit the content by clicking on the type.

CID: This shows the ‘componentid’ for this specific Menu Item in the database.

Other functions available above and below of the list:

Max Levels: You may select the maximum number of levels deep that the menu tree is displayed.

Filter: Lets you search for text in Menu Items.

Display #: You may alter the number of rows displayed in the list.
NOTE: This setting will be preserved for all lists on all screens while you are in the Administator back-end. A default value for the list length is also configurable in Global Configuration.