Modules: Edit

-- Draft Version

You may edit a module by clicking on its name or, alternatively, by checking the box next to it and clicking the 'Edit' icon in the toolbar.
A new Site Module: Edit [Title-of-the-module] screen opens with the following tabs available for editing:

Details (same for all modules):
Title: Title of the module to display on the page.

Show title: Decides if the Title will display or not on the page.

Position: Sets which of the positions available the module will display in.

Module order: The order the module will appear among modules assigned to the same page.

Access Level: Sets who can view this module. Public (everyone can view it), Registered (only registered users can view it), or Special (only special users can view it, as defined under the User Manager in Site -> User Manager -> Add/Edit Users).

Published: Sets if the module contents will show on the Frontend of your Web site (if chosen Position is available in the template).

ID: This is the ID number for the module item. This is allocated by the Mambo site system when the module is saved.

Description: A short description of the functions provided by the Module Type.

Pages / Items (same for any module):
Sets on which pages the module should be displayed.

Module Class Suffix (available for all module): A suffix to be aplied to the CSS class of the module (table.moduletable) to allow individual module styling.

Enable Cache (available for many modules): Select to cache or not the content of this module.
Other parameters may change depending on the module. See below.