Poll Manager
-- Draft version
This page shows show a list of the Polls on your site.
Poll Title: This is the name of the poll. Click the name to edit the category.
Options: This is the number of options in the poll.
Published: This shows whether the poll is published. Click the 'Publish' or 'Unpublish' icon to toggle the state of the poll.
Checked Out: This shows the name of a user if this Poll item is 'checked out'. You will not be able to edit an item if it is checked out by another user. It must be checked back by an administrator by going to Systems in the Menu bar-->Global Checkin. It can also be checked back in by the User who has checked the item out by clicking the 'Edit' icon of the category item and then clicking the the 'Save' or 'Cancel' icon.
To Publish or Unpublish one or more polls, select the checkbox(es) next to the name of the poll(s) and click either the 'Publish' or 'Unpublish' icon.
Click the 'New' icon to add a new category.
Click the name of the poll to Edit the details, or select the check box next to the name and click the 'Edit' icon.
To delete a poll, select the check box next to the name and click the 'Delete' icon. You will be asked to confirm the delete operation. Select 'Yes' to delete the client or 'No' to cancel.